

Signature Products


Product Description


白天任何时间(避免晚上服用),饭前或者饭后,与西药间隔2小时,加入温水150-300ml 一起搅拌冲服,一天一次。








Product Description


白天任何时间(避免晚上服用),饭前或者饭后,与西药间隔2小时,加入温水150-300ml 一起搅拌冲服,一天一次。






Instructions for use:

During the day at any time (avoid taking at night), before or after meals, with a 2-hour interval from Western medicine, add to 150-300ml of warm water, stir and drink together, once a day.

*Discontinue use during female menstrual period.

*Discontinue use during cold and flu.

*Not suitable for pregnant women.

Preventive effect: Healthy individuals aged 25 and above, take 1g of each of the four powders.

Therapeutic effect (Suitable for patients with symptoms requiring medication control): Take 2g-3g of each of the four powders.










The main functions of Sibao powder are: Sibao Powder is composed of American ginseng, Notoginseng, Salvia, and Dendrobium officinale.

> It has the effects of moistening the lungs, replenishing qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and relieving pain.

1) American ginseng has the functions of nourishing yin, moistening the lungs, replenishing qi, and reducing deficiency heat. It is very good for arrhythmia and deficiency of both qi and yin.

2) Notoginseng is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain. It can treat various types of blood diseases and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3) Salvia is also a commonly used medicine for promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, calming the nerves and calming the heart. It can expand the coronary blood supply, promote blood circulation, nourish the heart and clear the brain. It is a very good traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of heart disease.

4) Dendrobium officinale has the functions of nourishing yin, maintaining eyes, strengthening the spleen and stomach, clearing away heat and detoxifying, promoting fluid production and relieving cough. It is very effective in treating coronary heart disease, inflammation, dry mouth and thirst.

> Sibao Powder nourishes stomach yin, produces body fluids, clears away heat, detoxifies and quenches thirst Sibao Powder can relieve heart troubles, nourish blood and calm the nerves

> It can alleviate irregular menstruation in women and has a good effect on some rheumatic diseases. Si Bao powder reduces the three highs: hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure or high blood sugar.

> Si Bao powder can effectively expand the coronary arteries and increase the blood flow of the coronary arteries.

Additional Info

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